Beauty From The Inside Out
With 100% Organic
Full Spectrum Hemp CBD

The Benefits of CBD Oil
For Skin Care
There are many benefits CBD Oil can have for your skin, but to list all of them would take a very long time. Some of the key skin care benefits you can achieve with CBD oil are:
1. Effective and long-lasting moisture: CBD oil provides your skin with a long-lasting moisturizing effect that can combat flakiness, irritation and sore skin. These symptoms may be more common than you realize. Dry indoor air, cold weather, or excessive use of harsh soaps can lead to your skin losing moisture. CBD oil offers a great answer to these problems.
2. Plumps the skin: CBD oil has been proven to rejuvenate ailing skin, as well as smooth wrinkles and fine lines and plump tired skin. (1)
3. Skin soothing: CBD oil can provide you with a remedy that will calm and soothe your skin. Skin conditions like eczema, acne, or psoriasis can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable. Make sure you don’t apply it to open wounds or unknown rashes that haven’t been checked out by a doctor.
4. Balance oily skin: Sebum is an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands. (2) The right amount is essential, as it helps to protect the skin, but excess sebum can cause acne and leave your face looking greasy. (3) CBD also increases the body’s levels of cannabinoids, as anandamide (AEA), which has been proven to reduce the body’s levels of sebum. (4)
5. Effective for all skin types: CBD has antioxidant properties, which makes it highly effective for skin care of all kinds of skin. Antioxidants are important for the body because they can limit the damage of what is known as “free radicals”.​

"The skin is the largest organ of the
body and has a complex and very
active structure that contributes to homeostasis and provides the first line of defense against injury and infection. In the past few years it has become evident that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a relevant role in healthy and diseased skin."